4D Analytics

Cell Type Parameters – Fixed, Iterative or From View Table

The cell type parameters accept the same information regardless of whether it is a Fixed, Iterative or From View tables.

Parameter Description
Calc Type Calc Type on Detail rows. This option is available on the Details row for the Point Value cell type. The user can select the calculation type from the drop-down list. This will then aggregate the data values for the point for the period/date range used. Last Value is the default which just uses the last value in the period/date range.

Calc Type on Sub Total or Footer rows. This option is available on the Sub Total or Footer rows. The user can select the calculation type from a drop-down list. This will then use the values from the same column in the above rows for the calculation.

Column Name This is linked to the view selected in Table Settings > View Name.

The fields that are returned from the view will be displayed in a drop-down list. Select the field name you want to display in your cell.

Column Span This will indicate how many columns will be included by this header. In the example shown below we have two group headings. The first spans 3 columns and the second spans 2 columns.
Contents For "heading" cells. This is a text field. Enter the text to be displayed. Has no reference to anything else and is a visual for information only.

Maximum 50 characters

Date Calculation The date calculation that should be applied to the start date.

Can be left blank to use start date, otherwise should be in the following format:

[yy] or [MM] (this is case sensitive), + or -, then an integer

e.g., ' [MM]+1 ' for month plus 1, or ' [yy]-3 ' for 3 years ago

Enumeration This links to the available Enumerations that are configured in Menu > Administration > Enumeration Admin. Enumeration Admin allows the users to set coloured icons/backgrounds to be used for various values. E.g., [1-5] = yellow. So any cell that would have displayed a value between 1 and 5 will now display a yellow icon/background instead.
Format For numeric values.
  • 0.00 – Will display the value to 2 decimal places
  • 0.000 – Will display the value to 3 decimal places
  • 0,000 – For values in the thousands and to display a comma
  • dd/MM/yyyy – Format date with slashes. 2010-12-30 becomes 30/12/2010.
  • dd MMM yy – 2010-12-30 is rendered as 30 Dec 10. Note: Date values in properties are expected to be stored in yyyy-MM-dd format by default.
  • $#,###,##0.00 – Format number with two decimals and dollar symbol. 1234.5 is formatted as $1,234.50.
  • Maximum 50 characters
Hide Duplicates When checked, if the cell contents of the previous row match the contents of this row, then this row will be blank for display purposes.
Link Type

“Link Type” defaults to Custom.

With a Custom link, the “Link/URL” field is displayed.

On entering text into the “Link/URL” field, the “Link/URL Parameters” and “Link/URL Target” fields appear.

Selecting Engineering Chart from the “Link Type” field, does not require “Link/URL” or “Link/URL Parameters” to be completed, so they are not displayed. Only the “Link/URL Target” field appears.


The page to be displayed. No parameters should be entered here.

The link for charts is the same across the whole system. To drill down to a chart set:

  • Link/URL = multipleCharts.jsp
  • Link/URL Parameters = ignore=me&caller=3&thePointIdents=[$pointid]

To link to another dashboard:

At times, it may be necessary to link from a table to another dashboard, perhaps at a site level further down. If this is the case, please follow the instructions below.

It is now possible to use the following JavaScript function call within this cell:

  • javascript:top.redirectToDashboard(<dashID>,<siteID>,<period – single quotes around>,<year>,<month>,<propertyname>,<propertyvalue>)


  • Shortened version without all optional parameters: javascript:top.redirectToDashboard(<dashID>,<siteID>)

Examples of how this could be used are shown below:

  • Fixed table
    • In fixed tables there would be no string replacements, and so each dashID/siteID etc would be manually entered…
    • javascript:top.redirectToDashboard(21, 9932)
  • Iterative Table
    • Iterative table introduces the concept similar to that of the Link/URL Parameters below in that it handles the replacement of certain string values ([$containerid], [$value], [$datetime], [$pointid], [$pointid:pointname], [$view:colname], [$]). These values are explained further in the section below “Link/URL Parameters”.
    • javascript:top.redirectToDashboard(21, [$containerid])

The above statement would be the most common use of this feature. This would take a user to dashboard 21, and pass in the site id (container id) of the selected row in the table.

In some cases, this dashboard may not be enabled for the site passed in. If so the system will handle this and redirect the user to the first dashboard available at the site level passed through.

In order to use this new function/feature of the custom table the “Link/URL Target” must be set to _self, this is to allow the page to have knowledge of the function further up within the frames.

Note: Future releases will improve the user experience of this issue as it has been noted it may not be the best implementation. For this release however it is possible using the instructions noted above.

Maximum 200 characters

Link/URL Parameters This parameter is only visible when a value has been entered into the Link/URL field. The parameters to be passed across to this page on the URL. The Link/URL Parameters cell settings have some special values that can be used within the parameters:
  • [$containerid] – Will replace this text with the container id passed across to the widget.
  • [$value] – Replace this text with the value of the cell (will be url encoded).
  • [$datetime] – Replace this text with 14 digits based on the date time. Can be used to prevent caching on a web page.
  • [$pointid] – Replace this text with the pointid of this cell. Only applicable to point cells on the detail row. Will be blank on other cell types.
  • [$pointid:pointname] – Replace this text with the data from the point named pointname on the detail row. Will be blank if pointname doesn’t exist.
  • [$view:colname] – Replace this text with the data from the column named colname on the view. Should only be used when linking the table into a sql view.
  • [$] – Use the value passed on the equivalent parameter on the webpage URL. The value of the keyed parameter must be set exactly to [$]. i.e. param1=[$], not param1=X[$]. It is not possible to add characters to the parameter (the X) when using [$] command.
  • &PopUp=true - Add &Popup=true to the URL if you are loading a dashboard in a colorbox, to prevent navigation issues.

Maximum 200 characters

Link/URL Target This parameter is only visible when a value has been entered into the Link/URL field. The target browser frame/window for the link. Options are:

  • Blank – New browser tab or window.
  • Self – The new page should be opening in the current browser frame/tab/window.
  • Parent – The new page should be opened in the parent browser frame of tab (if applicable) or the current browser tab/window.
Note: The actual target may be slightly different depending on the browser being used.
Path This option is used when you want to use a particular container from a selection where there may be multiple matches. See the section on "Property and Path Settings" for further explanation.
Point The options here will depend on what has been selected in the Table Settings. If it is has been set to Iterative and Level , then the cell will be free text and the user can enter the name of the point they are matching on. In dashboard view, only the points which match this name will be displayed.
Cell Type Parameters - Fixed Iterative or From View Table 18If it has been set to Container, the "Containers Within" field appears.

Enter the name of the container to iterate by (free text), and then the Point field will be a drop-down containing only the point names within the "Containers Within" container.

Property Note: Properties are the Attributes assigned via the Digital Twin Explorer. This feature will match on Containers rather than points. The options here will depend on what has been selected in the Table Settings. If it is has been set to Iterative and Level , then a drop-down list of attributes assigned to containers at this level will be displayed. In this example, Level is set to 3, so it only displays attributes assigned to items at this level.

If it has been set to Container, the "Containers Within" field appears.

Enter the name of the container to iterate by (free text), and then the Property field will be a drop-down containing only properties (attributes) from containers within the "Containers Within" container.

Show Units Tick box. When checked it will display the points units which are configured in the Digital Twin Explorer > configuration section.
Sort Position Choose the default sort for the table. When a cell is selected, set its "Sort Order" to 1 for the table to be sorted by that column. Subsequent cells can be set as further sorts within the 1 st sort, so setting a cell as "Sort Order" 2 will sort by this column within the "Sort Order" 1 .
Sort Type Drop-down options can consist of:
  • None
  • String (Ascending)
  • String (Descending)
  • Numeric (Ascending)
  • Numeric (Descending)
  • Date (Ascending)
  • Date (Descending)

Once the table is populated with data, the column can be sorted by clicking on it. An arrow will appear to show how the data has been ordered. In this example, the data has been ordered alphabetically ascending.

Property and Path Settings

When setting a Cell Type to be “Property Value”, the user can then select the property they want to use from a drop-down list.

The list will be populated by Attribute Names that have been assigned to Containers. Note this is on Containers and not Points and only on Containers at Level 1.

For this example, we are using “Site 1”.

“Site 1” has two containers called “Electrical Usage” and “Gas Usage”.

All three containers have the attribute “C3 Attribute”, each with its own unique value.

We have then configured a Fixed custom table as follows:

Column A has he Property set as “C3 Attribute”. When an individual container at level 1 is selected, it will display the attribute value provided it has been set on the container.

Columns B and C also have the Property set to “C3 Attribute”. They also have the Path set to the container they want to link this cell to. It will only work on Containers that are at Level 2.

The text to be entered should not include the top level organisation. The container names should be separated by a comma with no spaces on either side of the comma. If either of the container names has a comma in it, the comma would need to have single quotes round it – ‘,’.

These settings then get displayed as:

Selecting the top level “Custom Table Training”. Only columns B and C will be displayed. Column A will not have a value as this works if level 1 is selected in the tree.

Selecting the “Site 1” container. Column A will now have a value. Columns B and C will be blank as these only work if the top level is selected in the tree.

Path Settings in Fixed Tables

When you select the Table type to be “Fixed”, a tree of containers and points will appear. This tree is used to populate properties and points. Dragging a point from the tree to the cell settings for a Cell Type of point will populate the point name and the path. Dragging a container from the tree to the cell settings for a Cell Type of property will populate the path.